Archives for October 2012

easing into autumn

Been helping out with beginner paddling trips over the last couple of weekends, on the Avon and the Wye.  Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and progressing nicely, which is always good to see!

High and fast flowing Wye on Sunday, so instead of stopping at Symonds Yat we paddled all the way down to Monmouth.  The trees are starting to turn - pretty!

It'll be "proper" paddling season soon - currently counting down the days until a week up in Scotland :)

The last month of 'summer' paddling turned out to be quite varied:

August bank holiday.  Tryweryn as usual - lower in... continue reading »

'fun' with python and databases

In the chaos of moving house earlier this year, I decided to write a little web app to catalogue all the books and CDs I own.

Partly procrastination (packing is dull!), but mostly as an excuse to write something in Python - which we're using more of at work, and I'm nowhere near good at yet!

So I got a very basic thing mostly working using Flask, SQLAlchemy and Twitter Bootstrap.  I remember being fairly smug about it, then leaving the code in a horrible disorganised mess because I actually did have better things to do (such as packing all the books... continue reading »