people you don't want to know

Facebook has added two new features in the last few weeks.  Well, I'm sure it's always adding new stuff, but I mean noticeable things.

Most obviously there's a new chat thing.  Which is ok, if slightly unnecessary.  I don't realise it's there and don't notice when people send me messages, but most annoyingly, it changes (and 'flashes') the title text of the web page.  Websites should NEVER be allowed to do this!  ever.

Also new and annoying is "people you might know".  I'll give it some credit, it is fairly accurate.  However, most of the people showing up on it are twats who I went to school with, didn't like and rarely spoke to.  So yes, of course now I want them to be my 'friend'!  er, no.  If I wanted to know anything about what these idiots are doing with their lives now we're all grown up, I'd have already added them...  

I'd quite like to be able to completely kill this feature, but no, you can't.  Stupid facebook. 


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