So, the day after buying new boots (and wandering up my local hill in them) I headed over to Glasbury to do another section of the Wye Valley Walk.
Two options from Glasbury: walk back to Llowes (about 4km), or walk upstream to Boughrood (about 5k)
I was contemplating getting both bits done in one day, so leaving the car in the middle of a vague figure of 8.
a pile of hire canoes in Glasbury
As it turned out, this didn't happen. After walking to Llowes and back, the new boots were rubbing my heels a bit, so I decided it would be silly (and probably painful) to walk any further.
I also managed to find an impressive bit of non-footpath on the river bank in Glasbury. Having hacked my way through half dead plants and piles of rocks, I eventually found a sign pointing out that due to erosion, the footpath I was standing on had been closed. Shame I'd already walked the majority of it! So rather than a sneaky riverside loop around to the other side of Glasbury to meet the WVW, I had to turn back on myself. rubbish!