bah humbug, it's November
So, not only is the telly full of stupid perfume adverts, as well as that bloody coke christmas advert, but in one of the many horrible shops in one of the many horrible shopping centres in town today what did I hear but "Merry Christmas Everybody".
Or rather, the first 30 seconds of it, at which point I'd had enough, considered sticking my fingers in my ears but thought that might be a bit too obnoxious, and exited sharpish.
I mean come on, it's still just about November so there's no excuse for it. Christmas is rubbish and I hate it, everyone knows that. So enough with the decorations and music and crap please.
I also ventured into the German Market... which was ok, but if I wanted a chocolate covered banana I'd do it myself and it would cost a hell of a lot less than £1.80, thankyouverymuch. Oooh, actually, I might do just that later.
bananana ?
JaNuS | 3rd Dec 07 9:46
Katy | 3rd Dec 07 15:11