it's fucking freezing!
It's cold. very cold. Thermometer says it's about 8 degrees in my room - which is the 'new' extensiony bit of the house, so doesn't have massive thick stone walls or whatever like the rest of it.
We've got the fire on though, which does a good job of warming the rest of the house up (or it would if Alex would ever keep the lounge doors open anyway).
I want some snow! Apparently it was snowing in Stoke the other night, and in Birmingham. But not here. bah. London (centre of the entire universe don't you know) has snow, so the whole world must know about it and the news is full of photos of pathetically small snowmen and icy cars.
I assume there's some other news somewhere, like, ooh, scavenging from sinking ships, and religious twats trying to get away with being homophobic idiots and trying to be exempt from the law because "they don't agree with it". Honestly, how ridiculous! I could go off on a huge rant about that actually, but I have other things to do this evening so I won't. My usual "religion is for idiots" attitude still applies though. urgh.
"we won't let you adopt a baby because you're a gay couple" is no different to "we won't let you adopt a baby because you're black/jewish/ginger/fat". No-one would be able to get away with that, and no-one in their right mind would really try to either. But oh look, catholics. It's ok to discriminate against gays - the bible says so! Bet they'd go and jump off cliffs if the bible told them to (actually, does it mention that anywhere? or anything about shutting the hell up?)
no, really must not go off on huge rant...
On a slightly related note, I found a BNP flyer stuck under my windscreen wiper today. It was quite an amusing read. fools.
I had snow!
Robin | 26th Jan 07 13:25
that's because you're a dirty southerner
*steals snow*
Katy | 26th Jan 07 19:45
Guess you had a bad day, nothing good happened?
geek's mum | 27th Jan 07 17:40