oh look, I have internet again
Yes, my internet works again - which means I've uploaded all the stuff I've been working on offline for the last few weeks ooh, shiny new features!
Expect it all to break spectacularly, heh.
If you're reading this it means I've successfully moved my website to a different and possibly less flakey server...
Not quite finished with 'improvements' yet (ha, as if I'll ever be). Got loads more to do on the photo gallery, which I thought would be fairly straightforward but has actually turned into a much bigger project than originally planned.
Right, now it's time for some ice cream. yum yum!
Katy | 23rd Mar 07 22:28
"Less flakey server" ... That depends if the current good run of my hosts continues (and I hope it does, quite sick of having my sites go down all the time... Though since the last server move, this one hasn't gone down once. Yet.)

*Pokes things* Ooh, I see comment permalink things... I need to make my ones of those a bit more obvious
Amelie | 23rd Mar 07 23:03
oh hmm, I forgot about the permalinks.. that was something I did ages ago and never finished, hence it just being a dot. heh.
Katy | 24th Mar 07 17:25