Gender Confusion

Facebook's latest irritating feature seems to be a little buggy, hehe.

A box on someone's profile if their birthday is coming up, encouraging you to give them a gift.  That's virtual gifts which cost a dollar each... so of course this has nothing to do with Facebook trying to make some money, hah. (side note - do people seriously waste money on those?!)

Anyway, I read their blog post about it and wandered off to find some examples of it.  First up, a male profile (names removed for privacy!)


Some confusion there then!  Same with another male friend, but female friends' profiles were fine.  So I thought I'd take a screenshot.

Checked back a few hours later and it had been fixed.  Or so I thought, until I looked at a female profile and saw this:


Haha.  They swapped the bug around, and it's still doing it as I type this.  Very clever...


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