Moving and rolling
The last few weeks have been busy. But, despite:
- moving house (so - packing, cleaning, driving all over Birmingham, unpacking, etc)
- actually doing some uni work
- hacking the firmware on my camera (more on that at a later date) and playing around with photo editing
- joining various 'trendy' websites (twitter? eww. better.)
I have managed to find time to go paddling. Phew. (I do have other hobbies, honest!)
Last weekend was the annual BUKC Bude surf trip - apparently famed for never having any surf. Not this time! There was surf, and we had fun in it! Until I swam and twisted my ankle, anyway. oops. But it's ok because I did have a very yummy ice cream afterwards.
Yesterday I did the Lower Tryweryn, which was good Two words to best describe the trip: rocky and swimmy. With some correlation - Katy does something daft like paddling into a rock and inevitably ends up upside down. Anyway, the actual number of swims is unimportant right now, because I was trying to roll (difficult to do when you're trying to roll up into a rock...) and eventually I did successfully roll back up
Not done that on moving water before! woo.
It's quite possible that everyone I know has already been informed of this triumph by now. But I'd also like to add that my dry trousers were a very good investment, even if I did empty about 5 pints of water out of them when we got off the river...
Possibly coming up in the not-too-distant future - rants about Specsavers, Twitter and linux/MIDI/Java issues.