popup overkill!
I love broken websites
I've ended up on this particular site before (it's some kind of coding tutorial site, which I won't link to for obvious popuppy reasons). Last time it stopped at 359.
Today, however, it's even more broken. Whenever I move the mouse it tries to spawn a load more popups. And fails. But keeps trying anyway, even though it's never going to win. That number is now up to 3015.
Anyway, I found the bit of javascript that creates this mess. The 'interesting' bit can be simplified to this:
if (!popupdone) {
window.onclick = popup();
window.onmousemove = popup();
On a slightly similar and possibly even geekier note, I got far too excited when I spotted this in the pub at lunch time:
Malt Vinegar. Ingredients: malt vinegar, some other stuff.
mmm, recursion...
The geekforce strong in you is.
You need get out a little more away from the programming. Knitting circle or similar
Dad | 17th Feb 08 3:41
I know, it's bad isn't it...?
Katy | 17th Feb 08 4:10
No, it's not bad. Stay loyal to geekdom, or we will find you and force you to recite PHP/Java/*insert other language here* until you admit that programming kicks arse.
Jem | 17th Feb 08 14:59