Expensive Tastes


Last week was mostly spent working long hours in a posh hotel somewhere.

The upside of this is the food...

gold leaf on pudding

That's one of many puddings I consumed.  Some sort of blackcurrant mousse/jelly/sponge cake.  Topped with gold leaf, and very tasty.

HTC Magic: not an alarm clock


I've had my gadget phone for over six months now.  The novelty value of millions of pointless applications has worn off, meaning I'm down to a sensible number of actually quite useful ones.

Unfortunately, the alarm clock is not really one of them :|

I'm not a morning person, so I tend to have several alarms going off at different times, so I can ignore or snooze them for a while whilst I gradually wake up.
Every day my 'normal' clock alarm goes off at half 7 - then switches itself off after 30 seconds :) And it's fairly quiet, so easily ignorable, hehehe.

Then the phone alarm goes off at an "actually you need to wake up now" time.  This setup has been working for many years, and several different phones.

But sadly the android isn't doing so well.  Far too many occurrences of waking up and realising it's about 20 minutes (or more) later than it really needs to be.  At first I thought I was turning the alarm off in my sleep, so I tried changing all the sounds and turning the volume up.  Nope.

Further investigations seem to suggest that the alarm just doesn't go off.  My current suspicion is that the clock doesn't always update when the phone is asleep, so therefore the alarm doesn't know when to go off.  This is backed up by occasionally seeing the display flick from some random middle of the night time to the correct time when I wake the screen up.  But it's an intermittent bug - some days it'll all work perfectly.


The final straw was last Sunday, when the 0630 very loud cock-a-doodle-doo alarm failed to go off, and I missed going kayaking.  Not happy about that! (especially as it was my last chance to get a February paddle in, so now my 16 month 'at least one river a month' run has been broken). :(

So I've bought another alarm clock.  Hopefully the phone will get fixed with an update at some point.

On another topic, I've also bought a shewee.  I'd happily dedicate entire posts to that too, but that's probably way more information than anyone needs.  Suffice to say, I'm happy with this purchase. Quite 'liberating'!



It's pancake day (or Shrove Tuesday, if you're one of those religious types)

This means I have eaten far too many pancakes.  Admittedly, I only have a little frying pan so they weren't huge, but I think I lost count at about 7

cooking pancakes

That's a pot of melted caramel chocolate in the background.  yum.  I did some with that, some with fruit, some with honey and lemon, etc.  Tasty tasty :)