I'm going back to uni!

ooh look, here's something very exciting which I've been trying to keep quiet about until it was all sorted and stuff..

email this morning confiming an offer to do a MSc in Computer Science at Birmingham, starting this autumn :D

Yay!  I've been slightly jumping around the flat in glee about this today, heh.  Just have to wait for some forms through the post to fill in and send back to accept it.

So yeah, I'm going back to uni :)  This is very exciting! Ever since about half way through the second year of Keele I've had a nagging feeling that really I should have done something computery in the first place (rather than slightly useless music tech), and having now worked in IT (hah) for over a year I'm extra sure of this.  So I'm going to go back and learn something useful.

I've left this all a bit late, so I've only got just about two months now to find somewhere to live and figure out how the hell I'm going to pay for it all, but nevermind.

Especially as I've just been through the list of societies on the student guild website and written a fairly long list of 'things to join'.  Most of which seem to be worryingly exercisey, which means they'll take up lots of time and money  Which would be the two things I won't have very much of anyway.  oh well :)



  1. Iain's gravatar

    www.bukc.org.uk/forum ... you could look at the main site but it's broken at the moment and the person who's supposed to be mending it keeps concentrating on a degree instead. You'll probably end up joining COGS as a CS student, they seem to be quite a nice bunch this year, even if I have only spoken to them twice since september. Think their website is www.cogs-bham.co.uk. I happen to know some of the committee for next year's mountaineering club too, and they're only a bit weird, nothing compared to normal climbers. They go ice climbing in Scotland in the winter too... now that sounds fun :-D

    Iain | 26th Jul 07 17:53

  2. geek's mum's gravatar

    is there a name for a geek who's doing a 2nd degree? ? Supergeek, Gradgeek, Indebtgeek

    geek's mum | 31st Jul 07 14:19

  3. Katy's gravatar

    in debt sounds about right...

    Katy | 1st Aug 07 1:58

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