fruit and veg


For reasons mostly to do with the voucher I get at the end of it, I'm currently doing some survey type research thing.  This involves, amongst other things, recording how much fruit and veg I eat each day.

Two weeks in and I'm just about averaging two portions.  That's 1.8 of fruit and half a vegetable, ish. 
I'm not convinced their way of calculating it is entirely accurate, but even so, oops...




I have a new toy.  It's one of these, and it's rather cool.  Been eyeing up some of the more 'basic' (also cheaper) models for a while now, because it's a nice geeky gadget (woo, gyroscopes!), but this one is extra cool because it lights up and has a counter.

Didn't take me very long to get the hang of it, and over the last week I've managed to improve my highest score from about 7000rpm to 10,000 and figure out how to get it started without having to faff around with a bit of string.  I thought there'd be more of a strength difference between my wrists, but although the right one is stronger there's not a huge amount in it.  I can consistently get it to about 8000rpm with both hands now (the 10k was a bit of a fluke and as yet hasn't been repeated).

Anyway, I bought it from Play, along with a 'free accessory' - a leather case.  Which is utter shite!  I'd be very upset if I'd have paid actual money for it.  The ball doesn't really fit properly, which is a bit rubbish considering it's supposed to be designed specifically for it.  ah well.

end of term!


Last night I had a very strange dream involving boats and mermaids.  This might be more (or less?) weird if it wasn't (loosely) based on Actual Things...

Anyway, term is over, which means I've successfully survived 1/4 of my course :)  The last week has been hellish in terms of deadlines, and also fairly well packed with socialising and paddling (including an actual real polo tournament, eep!) so I'm absolutely knackered now!

Not that the 'holidays' give me any time to relax - because stupid easter is so early next year we only get 3 weeks off, and I've got an essay (about open standards, ooh) and an assignment due on the first day back.  Plus a load of other things too.  Ah well, keeps me out of trouble...