Alex gets back from Russia late tonight I'll be spending the evening tracking his flights online. He's currently 'in flight', apparently. ooh
It'll be nice to have him back, as I'm starting to get quite bored of being on my own. Still, the last few weeks has proved that I can cope and not end up in a total mess..
The other bonus of him coming home is that I finally get my new camera And half of the money to pay for it, which is possibly more important.
Anyway, for once I'm being a good girlfriend, and have a nice chunk of sirloin steak in the fridge waiting for him. Apparently the food in Russia is a bit dodgy and out of date, so he'd probably be happy with a pot noodle, but nevermind. Steak should make up for the skimmed milk and granary bread that I've got, haha
Cookie for anyone who knows what this is *
As seen on Tuesday night. It wasn't quite as pretty as the one me and Iain saw on the way to Stoke the other week, but at least this time I had my camera to hand!
(more arty shot here)
* actually, cookie for anyone who comments And no cheating and looking at the filename either
My mother once told me not to listen to music whilst driving, as it's too much of distraction. I took no notice of her (sorry mum!), and always have the radio on if I'm driving somewhere on my own.
Things that interrupt my enjoyment of AM radio during my drive to and from work:
the weather generally
power lines
Church Stretton
And also occasionally the car itself, which I find slightly odd...
The crackle and fuzz was so bad on the way home today that I could barely hear the music, then eventually realised it was some crap by my least favourite whinging ex-soldier, so decided to take action and listen to a different station.
I've tried listening to other stations, but I always come back to Virgin, or Five Live if there's some football on. If Alex has been anywhere near the car it'll be set to Radio 4, which is usually too boring. I'll occasionally flick over to Radio 2, but usually not for more than five minutes.
However, I'm not quite so desperate to have to go anywhere near Radio 1 yet
I had a brainwave earlier - this is the Midlands, so why not see if I can pick up Kerrang!? And there it was, almost crystal clear on 105.2, and now stored on preset 6.
I'll probably be bored of that and back to Virgin by next Wednesday. We'll see.
The radio alarm comes on in the morning, giving me an hour of news to half-listen to until I finish waking up and get out of bed.
Today I heard the words 'River Monnow', and some discussion about tributaries and the Dore and riverbanks and habitats and stuff. And waterfalls. They're repopulating the river with waterfalls. Lots and lots of waterfalls, to replace ones that vanished years ago.
I can't have been very awake because this didn't seem at all strange. Well, it did a little bit, but only because I couldn't figure out how you'd make new waterfalls.
Anyway, I checked BBC news a bit later to discover that they were actually talking about water voles. haha.