Ahh, dodgy science, how I love you...
Having anything that emits electromagnetic waves in your home is dangerous and stupid.
oh, really.
I'm supposed to be doing nothing but producing millions of pages of write up at the moment, but I couldn't resist this one...
So, I pointed out that having no sources of electromagnetic radiation (woops, did I say that?!
) in your house would mean no lights, no heaters, no microwave... etc etc etc
This point was entirely missed, and I gave up.
But there's that word again... "Radiation". Clearly all types of radiation will fry your brain and make you glow in the dark. And electromagnetic radiation?! woah. You can kill things with electricity, and you can certainly do a fair amount of damage with a magnet if you felt the need (credit cards and CRT monitors?).
So the two together, in the form of radiation?! Very dangerous. Ban it now, it must be a health and safety risk!
Speaking of science, the world might get sucked into a small black hole tomorrow. That would be slightly inconvenient - I've put a lot of effort into this masters, I'd at least like to finish it! So yeah CERN people, my deadline is next Tuesday, if you could lay off destroying the universe until after then that would be good thanks.
Part who-knows-what in the continuing saga of my eyesight...
I went for a contact lens checkup in May, because my old ones were useless - I could see through them, but not anything close up. Like computer screens, books, TV, road signs... There was some faff getting my records from the Ludlow branch, but that's ok.
So they went off to order the new lenses in, and I heard no more about it. Chased them up (earlier this month), and they claimed to have no record of me ever going in, and generally sounded quite confused. I explained I was waiting for a trial of new lenses to come in, blah blah. So eventually I get an appointment booked (with a two week wait!).
That comes around, and as I'd figured after dealing with the confused phone woman, they'd ordered me the wrong lenses. Another box of the old crap ones. Still no record of me having the checkup, but they'd also got the right lenses waiting for me. Who knows.
Anyway, I got on with the new lenses fine (various reasons involving the word 'astigmatism' meant there was a chance they wouldn't work), but have now decided I want monthlies rather than dailies. So I rang up and explained that. Once again, the receptionist didn't really seem to grasp what I was on about.
So, I go in yesterday. Wait around for a bit, then my appointment went something very much like this:
"so, what can I do for you today? how have you got on with the new lenses?"
"yup, they're fine... but I want the monthlies rather than dailies"
"ah... right. Well there wasn't much point you coming in today, it seems no-one's ordered the lenses in. Sorry"
Stupid summer heat means my car is doing a rather good impression of an oven at the moment. So a completely pointless drive across Birmingham (plus pay and display parking) was just what I could have done without.
Oooh, I'm annoyed. Very annoyed.
This afternoon was a chance to buy an awesome new domain name. Admittedly, I only found this out because Jem told me half an hour beforehand, but nevermind.
Anyway, one spur of the moment decision later, I'm navigating my way through excessive amounts of bloat on the GoDaddy website. Seriously, white space is not a bad thing. You do not need to cram that much information/pictures/crap into such a small space, it makes it impossible to find anything...
Eventually I got through far too many screens of "do you want any other domains?" "do you want hosting?" "are you sure you don't want hosting?" "do you want any of these other pointless extras?" "no really, are you sure?" and coughed up my money. Yay.
Only now I've just got an email saying the registration failed, because the domain name in question has already been registered
So yeah, thanks GoDaddy. If I hadn't had to waste an extra 10 minutes clicking through ten tons of crap it could have been mine, but because of you and your shitty bloated slow website I've missed out. Bastards! At least this means they won't be getting any money off me...